With Avengers: Age of Ultron tearing up the movie theatres, we decided to review what some have called the greatest Ultron story of all, Avengers: Ultron Unlimited by Kurt Busiek and George Perez!
GHL 61 - Scarlet Witch
She has finally appeared in a Marvel movie! Before you see Avengers: Age of Ultron, learn all the secrets of Wanda, the woman known as the Scarlet Witch!
GHL 59 - Daredevil
Matt Murdock, the Daredevil, has long been a favorite Marvel superhero, and now he's the star of a new Netflix show. Let's dive into the history of Daredevil head first.
GHL 58 - The Man Without Fear Review
Time for us to do our second book review on Daredevil: The man without fear by Frank Miller and John Romita Jr! Just in time for Daredevil's new Netflix series!
GHL 56 - Howard the Duck
You saw him in Guardians of the Galaxy, and in his terrible George Lucas movie. Now, just in time for his new comic, let's see what secrets the life of Howard the Duck contains!
GHL 53 - Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)
Spider-Woman aka Jessica Drew is all over Spider-verse, so it's time to unravel her web!
GHL 47 - Sharon Carter (Agent 13)
In honor of the premiere of Agent Carter, we want to tell you all the classified secrets of one of her relatives, Sharon Carter. Also know as Agent 13, Sharon Carter is one of the sneakiest spies in the Marvel Universe.
GHL 46 - Best of 2014
It's time for a look back to the far off year of 2014! This week, Jason and Ashley will give us what they personally thought was the best of 2014 in movies, television, books, and more!
GHL 42 - Nick Fury
Nick Fury tells the Avengers what to do, and he also controls SHIELD. But how did he get that job? And how did he lose his eye!?! Get ready to receive your classified document in podcast form that will give you all the secrets of Nick Fury!
GHL 40 - Big Hero 6
Big Hero 6 is rocking the box office in their new movie, but did you know that they are a spinoff comic of Alpha Flight? Discover what other X-Men were on their team and other secrets from a robotic super team!
GHL 39 - Gwen Stacy
Gwen Stacy was Spider-Man's girlfriend, and now because of Spider-Verse has been reborn as Spider-Woman! Where did Ms. Stacy come from? Will Spider-Gwen stick around for very long?
GHL 26 - Star-Lord
The leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Peter J Quill is better known as Star-Lord. But how did he get that name? Or even his magical space gun?
GHL 25 - Rocket Raccoon
There's a furry, loud-mouthed talking member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and he's a raccoon!! Is he a raccoon or an alien that looks like a raccoon! Let's travel to space and learn together!
GHL 15 - Professor X
The founder of the X-men, and headmaster of the school for gifted mutants, ProfessorX has a mysterious past. Aliens, rocks, and masters of magnetism are all involved! With Prof. X soon to be a major player in the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past, lets us tell you the origin and details of Professor Charles Xavier's story.
GHL 14 - Kitty Pryde
Kitty Pryde was once the youngest member of the X-men, and now she's a professor! Sprite has certainly come a long way. With Kitty Pryde soon to be a major player in the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past, lets us tell you the origin and details of Kitty Pryde's story.
GHL 13 - Spider-Man Part 2
Peter Parker! The Original Spider-Man! His story and history are so long that we had to split this up into two episodes. It's the 1977 and forward history of Spider-Man!!
GHL 12 - Spider-Man
Peter Parker! The Original Spider-Man! Do you know where his costume came from? Who the first villain he ever fought was? Or what happend during the original Clone Saga? Well find out everything you need to know about the Amazing Spider-Man just before the movie comes out!
GHL 11 - Electro
He's the villain of the Amazing Spider-Man 2, but what do we know about Electro? He's been beaten by Spider-Man so many times; can Jamie Fox truly do the character justice? Either way, get ahead of the game and learn all the secrets of this villain just before the movie comes out!
GHL 8 - Winter Soldier
Meet Captain America's new enemy, the mysterious figure know as the Winter Soldier. But what secret connection does the Winter Soldier have to Captain America's past? It's time to get patriotic on this podcast learn all the secrets of the Winter Soldier.
GHL 4 - Loki
He's been the major villain of three Marvel movies, but how much do we really know about Marvel's Loki? Learn what makes him tick, hear about his crazy schemes, and discover his affinity for sex changes. Transport yourself to a mystical realm and discover all there is to know about Loki Odinson!