It's time to learn the secrets of the West Coast Avengers! This Hawkeye led team not only had some great adventures but created one of the longest running jokes on our podcast!
GHL 99 - Deadpool w/Jonathan London
He's got a movie coming out starring Ryan Reynolds and he's one of the most popular X-Men in Marvel Comics! We're talking about Deadpool! Time to peel back that mask and peek inside!!
GHL 98 - Jarvis (Agent Carter)
Edwin Jarvis is the confidant to Tony Stark, The Avengers and sidekick to Agent Carter! How did he get the best job in the Marvel Universe? Let's find out!
GHL 94 - Best of 2015
This week, we look back on the year that was 2015 and give our top picks for comics, film, TV shows, podcast and more!
GHL 95 - Best of 2015
This week, we look back on the year that was 2015 and give our top picks for comics, film, TV shows, podcast and more!
GHL 93 - Star Wars: History of the Jedi wit John Rocha
The Jedi are some of the most important characters in the Star Wars universe, but how were they founded? Jump into hyperspace to learn the origin of the Jedi with special guest John Rocha (
GHL 91 - Jessica Jones Season 1 Review
We watched all of Netflix's Jessica Jones in less than a week, and we're going to give you our review plus some tasty easter eggs in this episode!
GHL 90 - Jessica Jones
Did you know the hero of Marvel's upcoming Netflix series Jessica Jones used to be in the Avengers? Learn the secret history of the former hero known as Jewel before Krysten Ritter portrays her in live action!
GHL 89 - The Purple Man From Jessica Jones
The villain of Marvel's upcoming Netflix series Jessica Jones can control your mind, and he's called The Purple Man! Before David Tennant plays the role, learn the secret history of Zebediah Killgrave!
GHL 85 - Spider-Man 2099
Miguel O'Hara is the Spider-Man of 2099! You've seen him in video games, comic books, and he almost had his own animated series. Hop into the Spider-Verse and learn all about Spider-Man 2099!
GHL 78 - Wasp (Janet Van Dyne)
She was missing from Marvel's Ant-man movie, so it's time to talk about one of the greatest leaders the Avengers have ever had! This is everything you need to know about Janet Van Dyne, The Wasp!
GHL 77 - Best Fantastic Four Team Ever
What heroes would make the best Fantastic Four team ever? Well, we answer that question and I forced Ashley to watch 2007's Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer!
GHL 76 - Fantastic Four Part Two
The Fantastic Four are such a foundation to the Marvel universe that we needed two podcasts to give you their entire history!
GHL 75 - Fantastic Four
A new Fantastic Four movie starring Miles Teller is being released so it's time to learn the origin of Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Ben Grimm, and Johnny Storm! Blast off into the cosmic rays as all is revealed on the Fantastic Four.
GHL 74 - Ant-Man (Scott Lang) w/ Joshua Williamson
Scott Lang is the second Ant-Man, but do you know the true reason he stoel the Ant-Man suit? Learn all the secrets of Scott Lang, star of the new Ant-Man movie, as we dive into the Microverse! Plus Marvel Comics writer Joshua Williamson helps us settle the debate of who is the better Antman: Hank Pym or Scott Lang?
GHL 73 - Irredeemable Ant-Man & Ant-Man Movie Review
The Walking Dead's Robert Kirkman also worked on Ant-man, The Irredeemable Ant-Man! We review all 12 issues of the series and tell you what we thought of the new Paul Rudd Ant-Man movie.
GHL 72 - Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man
Mile Morales is one of the coolest Spider-Men from the Spider-Verse, and since he is soon to join the 616 Marvel Universe, let's learn his history. Get ready to watch all the webs of Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man!
GHL 70 - She-Hulk
She's Bruce Banner's cousin, but how much do we know about the She-Hulk. She-Hulk has been an Avenger, a member of the Fantastic Four, and now she's the subject of a Geek History Lesson!
GHL 69 - Secret Wars Review
There's a big crossover event in the Marvel Universe called Secret Wars. So we thought we'd jump back to the original event called Secret Wars published back in 1984 and review it!
GHL 63 - Best Avengers Team Ever
Pick any hero in the Marvel Universe, and add them to your roster of The Avengers! That's what we have in store as we select the heroes that would make the greatest Avengers team of all time!