To celebrate our 250th episode we explore the history of our most requested subject - DOCTOR DOOM!
GHL 247 - Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster, More (Book Club)
We dive into Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster, More with special guest Victoria Male for another installment of our GHL Book Club!
GHL 245 - Best Captain Marvel Stories
Captain Marvel is a mantle shared by more than one character. Comic book artist Brent Schoonover (Captain Marvel, Ant-Man), joins the podcast to discuss the Best Captain Marvel Stories!
GHL 242 - Jason Inman
It's Geek History Lesson's fifth birthday this week. To celebrate, we dive into the history of one of our hosts: JASON INMAN. He is joined by a very special guest.
GHL 239 - Best of 2018
What were the best movies, comics, podcasts & more of 2018? Your professors give their picks!
GHL 238 - Holiday Special Ft. Doctor Strange
It's the holiday season! Why not spend your break at The Mind University with some favourite characters from the show - including the return of The Doctor Strange Show with Clea!
GHL 236 - Top 5 Spider-Verse Characters
Peter Parker isn't the only spider in the sea! A whole web is going to be featured on the silver screen, so we rank our faves into a list.
GHL 235 - Best Stan Lee Characters
In the wake of legendary Marvel Comics creator Stan Lee's passing, we welcome Geekscape's Jonathan London back onto the show to celebrate Stan the Man by ranking the iconic characters he created.
GHL 233 - Star Wars vs Star Trek
Special guest Ken Napzok (Collider, Napzok Files), joins us to dive into one of the biggest nerd debates of all time: Star Wars vs. Star Trek.
GHL 232 - Best Daredevil Stories
Matt Murdock is the Man without Fear and to celebrate his third season on Netflix, we've decided to pick our Top 5 Daredevil Stories!
GHL 227 - Best Comic Book Issues of All Time
It's an art to tell a meaningful comic book story in a single issue. Which titles have done it best? We are here to tell you!
GHL 226 - Best Iron Fist Stories
Iron Fist is back with a new season and Jason breaks down Danny Rand's best stories in a bid to convince Ashley to do more reading on the character!
GHL 225 - Nightcrawler (X-Men)
Kurt Wagner is the mutant known as Nightcrawler, circus performer and fuzzy blue elf. Get to know more about the most iconic German mutant along with us!
GHL 224 - Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) with Kelly Thompson
Hawkeye has been a longtime Avenger and Marvel fan favorite. The second Hawkeye is a Manhattan socialite. Writer Kelly Thompson joins us for the discussion to explore Kate Bishop's quiver. Follow Kelly on Twitter:
GHL 221 - Best Marvel Comics Duos
Superheroes working in pairs has been a proud tradition. This week we answer the question: Who is the best duo in the Marvel Universe?
GHL 218 - Most Powerful Weapons in Comics LIVE!
What is the most powerful weapon in Comic Books? The Infinity Gauntlet? A Green Lantern Ring? Listen as we break it all down in a LIVE panel recorded at Comic Con Revolution in Ontario, California! Special guest Comic Book artist Jonboy Meyers joins!
GHL 216 - Daughters of the Dragon (Luke Cage)
Who are the two women known as The Daughters of the Dragon and how do they know The Heroes for Hire? Learn the history of the partnership between Misty Knight and Colleen Wing since they've made their small screen team debut.
GHL 213 - Iron Man (Part 2)
Tony Stark was once replaced by a teenage version of himself on the Avengers, so learn more about Iron Man as he enters the modern age of comics in our podcast!
GHL 212 - Iron Man
Tony Stark is the Iron Man, but how did he create that wonderful suit and join the Avengers? Find out in this episode!
GHL 211 - Cable
The time-traveling son of Cyclops makes his first live-action appearance in Deadpool 2. Let's dig through the time stream to learn the origin of CABLE!