Marvel Movies

GHL 393 - Doctor Octopus

Dr. Otto Octavius is a highly intelligent and superior criminal mastermind known as Doctor Octopus. Since Doc Ock is returning to live action in Spider-Man: No Way Home, we wanted to dive into the comic book history of one of Spider-Man's greatest villains.

GHL 388 - Best Superhero Movie Fights with Greg Alba

Some of the biggest set pieces in superhero movies are the FIGHT SCENES! From tame to brutal, fight scenes can describe a superhero's personality and emotional arc. Special guest GREG ALBA ( joins us in deciding the best superhero movie fights of all time!

GHL 380 - Comic Book Lettering Secrets with Taylor Esposito


Have you always wanted to know what the life of a professional Comic Book Letterer was like? We've pulled in an expert with years of experience! Taylor Esposito (letterer of Batman & Robin, Red Hood & The Outlaws and Jupiter Jet ) joins us to answer all your questions about lettering comic books professionally!

GHL 379 - MAILBAG: Essential Elements for a Green Lantern Story


This week, we're answering all the questions you sent in from Patreon, Facebook and Twitter! What's our thoughts on the X-Men movie costumes? Justice League or Avengers? And what's needed to make a Green Lantern story awesome? Learn the answers. 

GHL 378 - MAILBAG: Favorite Indie Comic Titles


This week, we're answering all the questions you sent in from Pateon, Facebook and Twitter! What's our favorite Indie Comic Book Title? Do the covers of comics actually grab customers? And does Wile E. Coyote actually carry a GUN? Learn the answers!

GHL 366 - Comic Book Shop Secrets with Timmy Heague

Have you always wanted to know the ins and outs of running a Comic Book Retail Shop? We've pulled in an expert! Timmy Heague, owner and operater of Arsenal Comics & Games in Ventura, California is here to answer all your questions about selling comic books from behind a register!


GHL 364 - Baron Zemo


One of Captain America's greatest villains, Baron Helmut Zemo, always has a scheme for conquering the Marvel Universe. Whether it's pretending to be a hero in the Thunderbolts or vexing Bucky in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Zemo's furry collar is prepared for anything. Let's learn his plans and ideas on terrible publicity in this new episode!

GHL 360 - Falcon (RECAST)


Just in time for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, catch-up with our FALCON pod from 2019! Sam Wilson uses a mechanical set of wings to fly and hangout with Captain America! But who built them? Learn all his classified Marvel Comic Secrets in this episode!

GHL 354 - Magik (Illyana Rasputina)


The younger sister of Colossus and one of the NEW MUTANTS! Illyana Rasputina aka Magik has a lot of mysterious connections to demons for a mutant. And this episode will wade through limbo to decipher it for you. Buckle up for some guest stars!

GHL 352 - Vision


The android Avenger! The son of Ultron! The husband of the Scarlet Witch! This Marvel Comics synthetic superhero has fought many adventures and been rebuilt multiple times! Learn all of his secrets to understand the many easter eggs of WandaVision!

PLUS, don't forget to support Jason's new superhero comic - SUPER BEST FRIEND!