
GHL 283 - Crisis on Infinite Earths Issue 3 and 4 (Crisis Club)


Learn all the details of Crisis on Infinite Earths this week before the Arrowverse crossover on the CW. Today's episode covers issues three and four of Crisis on Infinite Earths. These episodes are only highlights of Crisis Club, so if you'd like to hear the full unedited versions please go to our Patreon:

GHL 282 - Crisis on Infinite Earths Issue 1 and 2 (Crisis Club)


Learn all the details of Crisis on Infinite Earths this week before the Arrowverse crossover on the CW. Today's episode covers issues one and two of Crisis on Infinite Earths. These episodes are only highlights of Crisis Club, so if you'd like to hear the full unedited versions please go to our Patreon:

GHL 281 - Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith Vol. 1 (Book Club)


Time to re-enter the Star Wars Galaxy in our newest Book Club episode! This time we're looking at the tale of how Darth Vader first claimed his red lightsaber in Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith Volume One with special guest Ken Napzok:

GHL 276 - Watchmen (Book Club)


Doctor Manhattan! Rorschach! Night Owl! All of these heroes are investigated the murder of the Comedian in Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon's luminary comic book Watchmen. We're going to break the series down in our newest book club episode with special guest and person that bought Watchmen from comic stands, Matthew Peterson of the Major Spoilers podcast. Let's figure out "Who Watches the Watchmen?"