This week, we're answering all the questions you sent in from Pateon, Facebook and Twitter! Who's the scariest character in Pop Culture? What creators would create the best autobiography for us? And, biggest missed opportunity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Learn the answers!
GHL 330 - Iron Man Spotlight with Christopher Cantwell
Jason chats with Iron Man and Doctor Doom writer Christopher Cantwell about comics, television and how cars have inspired his Iron Man run. (NOTE: This panel was recorded LIVE as part of MainFrame Comic Con.)
GHL 329 - Sailor Moon with Jacque Aye
Sailor Moon is the ultimate magical girl! We dive into her adventures, the Sailor Senshi, and space cats! Adorned by Chi’s creator Jacque Aye joins us for the discussion.
GHL 328 - Our Superman Timeline with Cameron Cuffe
Special guest Cameron Cuffe (Seg-El on KRYPTON) joins Jason where we dive deep into the history of Superman! Just how old is our Superman? Let's find out.
GHL 327 - Jupiter Jet & The Forgotten Radio
BONUS EPISODE! In a very off-the-cuff conversation, Jason and Ashley will talk about their own comic book - Jupiter Jet and the Forgotten Radio. Don't worry, it'll be SPOILER-FREE. Learn why we wrote the book, the inspiration for the new villain, and why did we make Jupiter Jet wear a cowboy hat?
If you enjoyed that conversation, you can pre-order Jupiter Jet & The Forgotten Radio here:
GHL 326 - Bill and Ted
WHOA! It's time for us to cover the Bill and Ted franchise! From their Excellent Adventure to their Bogus Journey and when Bill and Ted Face the Music, we'll discuss these bodacious dudes and their over 30 year film franchise.
GHL 325 - James Bond (The Timothy Dalton Films)
Let's look back to one of the most controversal James Bonds! Listen as we analyze every James Bond film made by future Doom Patrol actor, Timothy Dalton. Do these films still hold up, and what do they contribute to the legend of James Bond?
GHL 324 - Top 5 Queer Comic Book Characters
This is one of our most highly requested episode so we discuss the Top 5 Queen Comic Book Characters! For this episode we are joined by Sara Century (host of Bitches on Comics), to celebrate Queer Characters outside of Pride Month.
GHL 323 - Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark)
The Wonder Girl of Young Justice! Let's learn a little bit more about DC Comics' third Wonder Girl -- Cassie Sandsmark.
GHL 322 - March Book One (Book Club)
To celebrate the life of the recently deceased American hero Congressman John Lewis, we're reading his graphic novel MARCH Book One. Book One spans John Lewis' youth in rural Alabama, his life-changing meeting with Martin Luther King, Jr., the birth of the Nashville Student Movement, and their battle to tear down segregation. You can pick up a copy of the comic here:
GHL 321 - The Secret World of Arrietty
We continue our look through the films of Studio Ghibli to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Secret World of Arrietty! Arrietty, a tiny teenager, lives with her parents in the recesses of a suburban home. A secret friendship forms when 12-year-old Shawn meets Arrietty, but their relationship could spell danger for Arrietty's family.
GHL 320 - MAILBAG: The Weirdest Comics We've Ever Read
This week, it's more questions from the Mailbag and YOU, the listeners! What is the weirdest comic we've ever read? How would we reboot Batman in the DC Film Universe? Did we almost record a Stargate Podcast? The answer is YES.
GHL 319 - MAILBAG: Rebooting the Universal Movie Monsters
This week, we're answering all the questions you sent in from Pateon, Facebook and Twitter! How should the Universal Movie Monsters return? We choose our own Guardians of the Galaxy team, and have we ever visited Mexico? Learn the answers!
GHL 318 - Why We Love The Beatles
BONUS EPISODE! In this episode, Jason and Ashley will get a little more personal and discuss why they love the Lads from Liverpool so much. Learn their Beatles origin stories. You can hear more of these Jason & Ashley's Excellent Adventure episodes by becoming a Jason & Ashley Level patron!
Plus Jason designs the perfect 1974 "post-Beatles Break-up" Beatles album. Listen to it here:
GHL 317 - Best Marvel Animated Shows
Which Marvel animated series is the best? We'll decide and give you our TOP 5 cartoons based on Marvel Comics' characters. I think our choices may surprise you.
GHL 316 - X-Men (2000) with Damion Poitier
Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of X-Men (2000) with Damion Poitier in the third installment of the Geek History Lesson Summer Movie Club!
Watch the LIVESTREAM here:
Follow Damion:
GHL 315 - Batman Begins with Mark Ellis
Celebrate the 15th Anniversary of BATMAN BEGINS with Mark Ellis ( in the second installment of the Geek History Lesson Summer Movie Club!
GHL 314 - Black Heroes Matter
It's time to talk about what's going on in our world today and discuss why Black Heroes Matter and how they can change the world with special guest Brandon Marino -
GHL 313 - Star Wars the Force Awakens with Trisha Hershberger
Celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Star Wars: The Force Awakens with Trisha Hershberger in a LIVESTREAM we're calling the Geek History Lesson Summer Movie Club! Let's take a look back at the movie that relaunched Star Wars!
GHL 312 - Best DC Animated Shows with Sam Humphries
Special guest DC Comics writer Sam Humphries (Harley Quinn) joins us to decide what are the Top 5 Best Dc Comics Animated Series!