Ms Marvel Trailer Breakdown

This morning Disney+ and Marvel Studio’s Ms Marvel trailer dropped. For Professor Ashley, this is her favourite Marvel Television trailer and her favourite MCU trailer since the OG OG Doctor Strange blew our minds. If you’ve missed it, do yourself a favour and watch it before you read more:

From the beginning the trail is tell you know Kamala Khan is. She’s a fangirl! Just like you and me! The classic Marvel Studios logo is in place,  but before it rolls across the screen we see the future Ms Marvel hunched over and reading a comic book. Not sure about you, but that was definitely the vibe for us when we were in high school! One of Ms Marvel’s most iconic covers is her taking a selfie with Wolverine from Ms Marvel #7.

cue the Freaks montage …

Her fandom is presented in a Scott Pilgrim vs the World-esque montage in the trailer with graphic flare, sketches of Ant-Man, a shirt full of Avengers (Wasp, Captain Marvel, Hawkeye - Kate), wearing a Captain Marvel bike helmet, and cosplaying as Captain Marvel in what appears to be both the real world and her personal fantasy world.

Narration tells us Khan lives in Jersey City, New Jersey which is canon. It’s a nice choice. Close to New York, but not smack in the middle of New York City like 90% of the MCU who are not based abstractly somewhere in Georgia-not-Georgia.

From the show’s inception it’s been pretty clear Khan was not going to be an Inhuman. Marvel in general has been trying to distance themselves from The Inhumans series, Inhuman characters on Agents of SHIELD - and the characters in general, tbh - since the X-Men came back under the roof. This trailer implies Khan’s powers come from a gauntlet which appears to be designed after the brangles she’s been seen wearing on-panel from jump. She even says the word “cosmic” to drive home the evolution of her “embiggening” powerset to bring her closer to Carol Danvers’ ability. There was certainly fan outrage about this when the change was first announced, however, as a shorthand for the MCU audience (most of whom do not read comic book, let’s be completely honest), as a fan who has been there since Ms Marvel #1 when the character debuted … I’m completely fine with it.

Later in the trailer we see Khan’s powers manifesting as something closer to “hard light constructs” which she is able to walk across. For those more familiar with the classic Marvel Comics cosmic characters it appears in addition to the ability to grow and shrink Khan may have inherited Quasar’s powers as well.

Looking at RockLove jewelry and hoping they are already contracted to make this bracelet IRL.

In a montage of destruction we see Circle Q which is a staple of Khan’s social life outside her high school in her eponymous series. Other staples from her world like the characters: Kamran, Bruno, Nakia, and Zoe all pop up over the course of these couple minutes. Zoe’s status as mean girl is securely in place thanks to the additional graphic asset of devil horns. Per the Ms Marvel series she has quite a journey to becoming Khan’s friend we suspect will be a B or C plot over the course of Ms Marvel’s first season.

The Ms Marvel trailer also shows up Kareem (aka Red Dagger), who is likely shaping up to be the initial baddie of the series. He’s the one we see running toward camera with the bottom half of his face covered as if he, too, is living amidst a pandemic. It’s very cool to see so many of Ms Marvel’s original cast of characters making their way into this live action adaptation.

Kareem is also a potential love interest for Khan in her civilian identity as Kamala the fanfic writing high school student.

Those folx who were upset about Mei writing and drawing fanfiction in Turning Red are really going to love what Ms Marvel get up to in the privacy of her own notebooks! This is all to say - we’re looking forward to the cute awkward teenage romance between Kamala and Kareem while they are secretly battling each other in their super alter egos.

Last, but certainly not least, the trailer ends with the all-important announcement that Ms Marvel will debut on Disney+ June 8th, 2022.