Wolverine MEGA EPISODE (Logan & X23)

Wolverine MEGA EPISODE (Logan & X23)

We're the best at what we pod and what we pod isn't very nice! OR IS IT? It is when we bring you a Wolverine MEGA EPISODE! Explode past the fog of your amnesia Dive as we explore the complicated history riddled with retcons about the two most iconic characters to bear the X-Men moniker: Wolverine, featuring Wolverine (#150), Wolverine (#151), and X23 (#153). This extra-long collection combines previous episodes to highlight the diverse roles each of these characters plays in the world of X-Men comics, X-Men animated television, and Marvel Comics. New to Wolverine as a fan of Deadpool and Wolverine? Diehard fan of this Canadian comic book character? Discover the many origins of Logan, how get got the name Wolverine, and answer whether Lara is a clone or a daughter!