Wonder Woman’s history is so legendary, we had to break it into multiple episodes! This week on Geek History Lesson, we’re diving into the BRONZE AGE adventures of Wonder Woman -- a time when her stories bent the rules of this iconic timeline and introduced some of the most unique and imaginative tales in DC Comics history.We’ll explore her fantastical battles, bizarre foes, and how it redefined her character while still staying true to her Amazonian roots. Plus, we’ll praise the groundwork laid by creators like George Pérez, whose later work helped solidify Wonder Woman as one of the most important heroes in comics.
GHL 350 - Wonder Woman (The Silver Age)
Wonder Woman's history is so big that we had to divide it into multiple episodes! To celebrate the release of Wonder Woman 1984, learn about the SILVER AGE adventures of Wonder Woman in the DC Universe.
GHL 349 - Cheetah (Wonder Woman)
Learn the history of the villain of Wonder Woman 1984! Did you know that Barbara Ann Minerva is not the only Cheetah in the DC Comics Universe?
Plus, SUPER BEST FRIEND is coming to Kickstarter on 1/19/2020 -- Click FOLLOW on Jason's Kickstarter Profile to be notified when it goes LIVE -- https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/jawiin
GHL 340 - Susan Eisenberg on Masters of the Universe & Justice League
Jason & Ashley chat with Susan Eisenberg (https://twitter.com/susaneisenberg1) about her various roles on Masters of the Universe and Justice League Unlimited. (We recorded this conversation as part of the Jawiin Charity Drive for Service Members 2020).
GHL 308 - Donna Troy (Wonder Girl)
Wonder Girl. Troia. Wonder Woman. Donna Troy has had many names. She has stood in and outside Wonder Woman's shadow and we dive into her full history - and all the times she's come back to life!
This is one of our most highly requested episodes!
GHL 165 - Wonder Woman Movie Review
Are you ready for a spoiler-filled review of Wonder Woman? Put on your Amazon bracers and tie up your magic lasso!
Be careful! This podcast contains SPOILERS. So if you don't want to know what happens, then you should come back later.
GHL 164 - Wonder Woman (The Golden Age)
Wonder Woman is about to hit the big screen in her first movie, so we're here to tell you about her origins in the GOLDEN AGE of Comics! PLUS, Susan Eisenberg, the voice of Wonder Woman in Justice League Unlimited & Injustice, stops by to chat about Diana Prince.
Go follow Susan on Twitter - https://twitter.com/susaneisenberg1